
iOS 4 in 10 minutes - TiPb video quick-start guide

For those of you who just installed the new iOS4 yesterday, here are some tips from our friends over at The iPhone Blog (TiPb) to make the most of it - I really enjoyed this video because it is concise and thorough. I hope you find it helpful too! Happy iPhone 4 day tomorrow to all our visitors from the US! We will join in the fun next month - I CANNOT WAIT!


My friends and I were bored at work so we decided to test the iPhone's video recording and we came up with this hysterical sketch in which a man orders congee at a restaurant. Be prepared for some crazy accents hahaha. CREDITS: Michelle Angeles as the sexy waitress Kevin Blacklock - hysterical laughter and cinematography Angel Clemente - Da Congee Man

Help Me Choose A Twitter Name :)

The poll is now closed. Thanks a lot to those who took the time to vote. @pixelatedmind it is!

Toy Story 3 - The Toys Are Certainly Back!

When I heard that Pixar and Disney were adding a new volume to the Toy Story saga I wasn't overly excited. I thought the days of Woody and Buzz Lightyear were numbered and that newer and better things had come along since then. Boy was I wrong... The magic of Pixar becomes evident right from the previews where a short animated film called Day & Night is featured. The message behind Day & Night is that we always fear those who are different from us. This may be a simple lesson but it is nonetheless an extremely true and often forgotten one. You must watch this short film to appreciate the true beauty behind it. It is amazing! In Toy Story 3, all the classic characters are back only to find that Andy, the boy they always loved and admired, is all grown up and ready to go to college. The toys are scared of being abandoned by Andy and for that reason they embark on a crazy adventure that will have you laughing, shouting, holding on to your seat and crying... yes... I said

Handy Advertisement... Literally

While at work today I was forwarded an e-mail that really blew me away. The e-mail showed an ad campaign by the mobile provider AT&T in which painted human hands are used to depict various cultures and landmarks. AT&T came up with this campaign to promote their worldwide mobile coverage and footprint. What I didn't know at the time was that these ads were part of a campaign entitled "HANDS" and that the posters/prints were actually made in collaboration with the famous Italian body-paint artist  Guido Daniele . I was also unaware of the fact that "HANDS" won "America's Favorite Magazine Ad" in a contest sponsored by Magazine Publishers of America. It is inarguably a stunning campaign that proves once more that creativity and beauty are worth more than high budgets. Enjoy! Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR

Teeth Whitening - Is It Worth It?

A few weeks ago I reviewed Aria Dental, the clinic of my new dentist Dr. Mehio . Since I was a new patient to his dental studio I qualified for the special price of $299.00 for Zoom whitening - something I couldn't pass by. My husband @guccisimo  had gotten it done two days before our wedding almost three years ago now and the results were drastic. I had never gotten my teeth whitened before and for that reason I was feeling excited/worried/curious. Dr. Mehio answered all my questions before getting started with the procedure. He explained to me that the old Zoom whitening procedure used an acidic solution and that it could damage your teeth's enamel but that Zoom has since revised the procedure and there is now only one known side effect: teeth sensitivity . Teeth Whitening Simulation - Before and After The process itself is quite straight-forward. First, the dentist makes sure you don't have any problems with your roots or that there are no cracks in your teeth.

El Centro - The Center of Vancouver's Taco Universe

As most of you know I was born in Mexico City and moved to Vancouver in 1999. It was definitely a huge culture shock at the time and while I love being a Canadian citizen and enjoying the benefits of a peaceful and violence-free life, there are a lot of things I still miss about Mexico.  The main three things I crave are the warmth of the people, the amazing weather, and the outstanding food. Mexico has one of the richest and most extensive food cultures in the world. Our lives revolve around eating with our friends and relatives and spending hours discussing controversial topics and laughing and singing over a meal. Some of the best food I have ever eaten was made in Mexico and that's mostly because people there are proud to spend two days in the kitchen to prepare something for you - it's the way they show their love. Due to my adoration of Mexican food, I'm always on the hunt for high-quality Mexican spots in Vancouver. Tacos are my weakness and even though I have b