Carpe Diem, Babies and SUVs

About a month ago my husband 's grandmother passed away very suddenly and whether I like to admit it or not, her death changed how I view life in a few ways. Grandma Del was the most vibrant and energetic eighty year old one could ever met. She worked out regularly, dressed to the nines, and could even be reached via e-mail - needless to say I would have never expected for her to leave us so quickly. Last night, my mother was admitted to the emergency ward as her right arm kept hurting terribly - with Grandma's passing being so recent the only thing on my mind was a heart attack... Thank God, after many hours at the hospital she was told it was not heart-related and that it was due to some sort of inflammation. Both of these life events have made me realize that we must cherish those we love on a daily basis and that even though things may seem perfectly fine today, nobody knows what tomorrow may bring. Also, by having been more analytic of my own life and the life of thos...