The Secret Circle: A Tribute Filled With Hope

Ever since I can remember I have been interested in witchcraft shows and movies. I love the mystery, the spells, the magic, the supernatural romance and the drama. Mexican culture is full of rituals that incorporate either white or dark magic. We have entire markets in Mexico City dedicated to selling ingredients to cast spells. I certainly grew up with witchcraft around me. My favourite movie of all times is The Craft - I recall watching it as a teenager multiple times and loving every minute of it. As much as I loved that movie I never really thought that something else could come along that would be able to trump it. Then came The Secret Circle - a TV show based upon the book series by L.J. Smith ( The Vampire Diaries ). The series depicts the life of six witch teenagers who unite their forces by creating a "circle" of power and energy that binds them to one another forever. Drama quickly begins when Cassie (the main character) discovers not only that...